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Aviation Safety Network (ASN) News

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


When I started my work in the fields of air traffic management and safety several years ago, one of the most intriguing facts was that this area of research had come up with a language of its own.

Welcome to the world of ATM abbreviations!

At that time it took me a while to find a conclusive list of acronyms and abbreviations somewhere on the internet. When I finally found something it wasn't really an exhaustive list and it didn't include many of the acronyms I heard around me. So, eventually I decided to make a list of my own, adding to it whatever I could find in the research papers piling up on my desk (including the standard office culture abbreviations such as KISS, SMART, TBD, and NA).

Apart from a link to the ATM abbreviations list, which sometimes includes links to related webpages, I'll also add some links to important glossary documents in the permanent link section of this weblog. Furthermore, I'll add a link to a webpage with ATM-related links that I maintain and that is also worth having a look at.

Well, TTYL...

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