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Aviation Safety Network (ASN) News

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pedestrians Xing

Globalisation and marketing often lead to changes in names, flavours and philosophies, and this is not only true for candy bars. What I am referring to is the change from OpenBC to XING, one of the leading business networking communities on the web. Fotunately, in this case, changes were both subtle and for the better. Furthermore, I was surprised that it was even much easier to find old class mates, which is possibly due to the fact that XING originated in Germany and is very popular among the German business community. Becoming a member is easy and as long as you do not require the top-most level of search functionality it is also for free. Before I start making too much noise for something that I do not earn a single Euro with (although XING is out on the stock market) I better leave it at this.